Arrival of Alt-Right Speaker, Milo Yiannopoulos, Sparks Riot at UC Berkeley

Milo Yiannopoulos, 32, is the editor of Breitbart News Network. He is considered to be part of the alt-right. The alt-right is a “far-right political movement rife with white nationalists, anti-Semitic and racist ideologies” (CNN). Breitbart is a far right conservative news website, preferred by many Republicans because of its conservative perspective. He was recently…

Race to the Finish: The 2016 Presidential Election Comes to Completion

The 2016 Presidential Election is coming to a close, and for many this comes with a sigh of relief. This election has been continuously marked by scandal and seemingly absent decorum, supposedly unheard of and unseen of in this century. With Trump supporters declaring that Clinton deserves jail time for her email situation and with…